Feel healthy and beautiful in your own skin
Charitable Giving
- Holy Names Academy
- Laurelhurst Elementary
- University of Washington Campus Skin Cancer Screening
- St. Joseph School
- Holy Rosary Parish School
- THON: childhood cancer fundraiser at Penn State
- Assistance League of the East Side
- Northwest Harvest
- Seattle Athletic Club Skin Cancer Screening
- Seattle Mariners Annual Skin Cancer Screening
- Lenny Wilkens Foundation
- Amazon Campus Skin Cancer Screening
- Ronald McDonald House
- National Breast Cancer Foundation
- Pride Fest in support of the LGBT community
- Skin Cancer Foundation
- Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
- Umpqua Bank Humanitarian Fund Raiser for “Stiff Person Syndrome“
- Climb to Fight Cancer benefiting Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Mobility Outreach International benefiting those immobilized by limb loss
- Project Heal benefiting those who suffer from Eating Disorders
- King County Sexual Assault Resource Center
- Mary’s Place
- University District Food Bank
- Feeding America
- Wigs for Kids
- Make a Wish Foundation
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- Rosie’s Tiny House Village
- Tower of Tampons & Pyramids of Pads
- Spin 4 Crohn’s
- Colitis Cures
Humanitarian Work
December 26, 2004 On this date, a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami hit Southeast Asia with significant loss of life and property damage. I started a neighborhood fundraising project–initially to get my 3 kids involved in social actions–and ultimately raised $50,000 for the Red Cross to directly help with the enormous clean-up, to support health clinics, and to supply food and medications for the surviving tsunami victims.
Summer of 2007 I took my family to Ayacucho, Peru in the Andean Highlands to do service work in this impoverished community. My sons worked in an orphanage for boys; my daughter worked in a daycare center for young children, and my wife worked in a women’s prison. She also assisted me in Community Dermatology Clinics that I initiated while teaching local healthcare workers about Public Health and setting up a dermatology formulary for the local community.