Laser Treatments – Before & After Posted on November 30, 2021May 1, 2024 by Scott Marlow XLV Laser for Venous Lake Scar Reduction with 1540 Cynosure Icon : (1 treatment) 1540 Laser Skin Resurfacing and Subcision Procedure for Acne Scarring: 2 Treatments Venous Lake Treatment with the Excel V Laser Excel V Laser removal of under eye veins Laser Scar Reduction One Treatment of Excel V for Global Redness Scar Reduction with Excel V and 1540 Cynosure Icon Spider Leg Vein Removal with Excel V Excel V for removal of Telangectasia on the Chin Excel V for Chest Redness Excel V for Global Redness Excel V for Global Redness Scar Reduction with 1540 Cynosure Icon Scar Reduction with 1540 Cynosure Icon Scar Reduction with 1540 Cynosure Icon and Excel V Telangiectasia Removal with Excel V Excel V for Port Wine Stain Removal