Feel healthy and beautiful in your own skin
Laser Vein Treatment
Redness and spider veins might be keeping you from appreciating the natural beauty of your skin and legs. At Advanced Dermatology and Laser Institute of Seattle, the latest advances in laser technology provide state-of-the-art treatments that are safer, faster, and more effective than previous treatment options. A high-tech laser vein removal treatment in our Seattle office can give you more beautiful skin without downtime or bruising.
Visible veins of the face and legs can be remedied with a variety of effective laser and light devices, including intense pulsed light (IPL), Excel V, KTP, Nd:Yag lasers. A series of laser treatments can significantly reduce spider veins without the use of needles, but larger veins often require sclerotherapy.

Reveal Your Skin’s Inner Beauty
Spider veins occur as a result of a number of factors, including heredity, sun damage and skin conditions like rosacea. Laser therapy is a proven option for treating unsightly, broken and dilated blood vessels, as well as port wine stains and reddish birthmarks.
We offer vein treatment with the Excel V Laser by Cutera that combines a KTP laser with a high-powered Nd:Yag laser as well as the Cynosure Icon Max G by Cynosure Medical. The laser energy does not harm the surface of the skin but is absorbed, instead, by the red blood cells in the vein. The concentrated energy damages the lining of the vein causing it to collapse and eventually be absorbed by the body.
If you are most concerned about facial redness like that caused by rosacea, our skin photorejuvenation treatments may be another high-tech option.