Skin of Color Dermatology in Seattle, WA

Skin conditions, and the treatments for them, are not colorblind. People with skin of color can be affected by different issues than people with lighter skin. Remedies that work for lighter skin could cause serious problems for colored skin.
At Advanced Dermatology and Laser Institute of Seattle, our board-certified dermatologist Dr. Steven Greene recognizes the unique needs that patients with skin of color have. During his more than 25 years of experience, he has dedicated himself to learning how to serve these patients best.
Dr. Greene believes that everyone, no matter their skin tone, deserves the highest-quality personalized dermatological care. During your consultation, he will take the time to listen to your needs and concerns and develop a custom treatment plan to address them.
Dr. Greene serves Seattle and nearby areas of Washington state. Call (206) 402-4797 today to schedule a consultation.